Five sustainability initiatives in Monaco


As part of its ongoing ‘Green is the New Glam campaign’ inVOYAGE 2019 host Monaco is committed to becoming a destination that is as environmentally conscious as it is glamorous.

Several targets have been put in place in order to achieve this, including the ultimate goals of cutting greenhouse gas emissions before 2030 by 50% compared with 1990 levels and of achieving total carbon neutrality by 2050. Initiatives relating Monaco’s tourism industry are at the heart of the campaign, and here we share five of the best…

The smartphone app arrived in Monaco this summer to help visitors find the best routes to travel in and around the destination by foot, bike, bus, train, ferry, tram, car share and even helicopter. Already available in cities including Paris, London, LA, Citymapper is a free app that can immediately find your location and calculate the quickest, least complex routes to get anywhere else in the city.

Citymapper features real-time information on when the next buses or trains are arriving at any given stop and gives you an ETA that constantly updates in response to traffic and other delays. From a sustainability perspective, it tells you how many trees you have saved by choosing a more environmentally responsible journey.

Turtle rehabilitation at Musée océanographique de Monaco

The Oceanographic Museum of Monaco has recently opened a state-of-the-art rescue centre to care for and rehabilitate sea turtles. Accessible from the aquarium, this new open-air installation takes visitors on a fabulous voyage of sea turtles, from their life cycle to the dangers that threaten their existence, from their unique nesting habits to the actions being taken to preserve them.

The centre, in coordination with other local turtle conservation organisations, works to ensure the health and safety of turtles in the seas surrounding Monaco and educate local people on how to spot an injured turtle.

Grimaldi Forum’s new solar roof
Monaco’s largest events venue, the Grimaldi Forum, is installing photovoltaic panels on its rooftop this year in a move that will make it the leading provider of green energy in the Principality.

The 2500 square metre solar power plant, created in partnership with Monegasque Electricity and Gas Company (SMEG), will be the largest in terms of size and power in Monaco, producing some 6000 Mwh annually, which is as much electricity as consumed by 130 homes. This is one of a number of sustainable initiatives at Grimaldi Forum, which has been ISO 140001 certified since its creation.

MonaBike electric bike-share system
Residents and visitors alike can now make use of Monaco’s brand-new e-bike sharing system to get around. Launched in July by PBSC Urban Solutions, MonaBike replaces the old bike-share system with the BOOST e-bike, which has been specially selected for its renowned pedal-assist technology that will transport riders with ease as they traverse the Principality’s hilly terrain.

With the total rollout slated at 300 BOOST e-bikes and 35 smart charging stations, the bike-share network will be expanded to encompass the entirety of Monaco. A mobile app, with real-time mapping of stations and bike rental features, makes it easy for riders to locate and rent the nearest available e-bike.

Smart+ programme
The government-funded Smart+ programme has seen hoteliers gifted a Smart Box allowing them to easily monitor their electricity consumption along with an action plan to help them make considerable energy savings.

Since the installation of the Smart Box at the Monte-Carlo Bay, the hotel adapted over 800 light fittings enabling it to save one month’s worth of electricity per year.


60 seconds with… VO Communication’s Denis de Wagheneire on sustainability (Copy)


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