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inCROWD: Francesca Ariani @ St Moritz Tourism Board

In our latest inCROWD feature, we catch up with Francesca Ariani, member of the St. Moritz Tourism Board on the destination’s hidden gems, combining fashion, aeronautics, and the Moon Walk.

The thing I most love about working in events is… bringing people together and creating special experiences. Every event is different and the creativity I have in my current role is quite vast so whatever the format I’ve always seen great things happen when people meet.

I think luxury is… about living in a way where you have the freedom to be close to what you really value and the time to appreciate the things, places and people you want to.

Earliest travel memory?
I honestly can’t remember… I was born in Manhattan, started travelling transatlantic at three months and have been flying around ever since.

City slicker or beach bum?
Both! I am definitely a city girl, but Sardinia is where I’m the happiest.

Favourite destination?
I feel lucky to be travelling all around the world for work now, although regardless my answer will probably always be London or NYC – for me two of the world’s greatest cities.

Suitcase essentials? 
I don’t really travel light. I always have a bit more than the bare essentials with me! But probably my Air Pod’s and my lip balm… and some Touche Éclat for when I haven’t slept!

Favourite hidden gem?
In St. Moritz and the Engadin Valley there are so many. If I tell you, they won’t be a secret anymore! But among my top favourites are the Suvretta House, the Palace’s Grill Chadafö and the Kulm Sunny Bar.

My most memorable event moment… is probably the 40th anniversary of the first lunar landing in New York at the Museum of Natural History. I had just begun working for Louis Vuitton and we hosted the event for the debut of the Core Values campaign with NASA superstars Buzz Aldrin, Jim Lovell and Sally Ride.

Rarely do fashion, aeronautics, and the Moon Walk converge. It was all about the spirit of travel. Since inception, Louis Vuitton has been emblematic of a passion for travel and the ultimate journey has to be to outer space!

Do you have a mantra you live and work by?
Yes! I think “I am fundamentally an optimist.” – Nelson Mandela

When I’m not working, I’m most likely to be… travelling. Because travel and a change of scenery opens your heart and broadens your mind.