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Meet the inCROWD: Sergio García

Our new inCROWD series shines the spotlight on members of our growing global community of inVOYAGERs. First up, it’s Ibiza Gran Hotel’s Sergio García.

After a career change from teaching, Sergio García moved into the luxury hotel sector, working for Great Hotels of The World in London, before being offered the role of associate director of sales at the five-star Ibiza Gran Hotel.

“A chance meeting at Imex Frankfurt with the director of sales at Ibiza Gran led to a job opportunity at the hotel. I had never been to Ibiza before and it was not the at the top of my list, but I came here for an interview and loved it so took the job. It has really worked out and I am super happy I made the decision,” he explains.

My favourite #inVOYAGEMoment, the one I still tell my friends about, was in Ras Al Khaimah. The destination for me was a fantastic discovery – I had never heard of it. Everything about that event was just perfect - the hotel was incredible, and all the dinners were fantastic. But the most amazing experience for me personally was the zipline. I never thought I would be able to do something like that because I am very afraid of heights. And I can’t describe the feeling – it was incredible. It hasn’t cured me – I’m still afraid of heights – but that experience was so unique and something I will remember forever. 

The thing I most love about working in events is meeting different people, travelling around the world and getting to discover many new destinations, but especially meeting people. That is what I most wanted when I decided to change careers, to meet people from all over the world and make friends, because so many of my clients are now friends.

Luxury to me means the possibility to do something that you don’t usually have access to. It doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive, but something that makes you feel exclusive and special. That experience that makes you feel wow, I’m lucky to be here.

My earliest travel memory is of summer family holidays with my parents. We used to drive around Spain and spend hours on the road – this was back when safety belts were not compulsory, and cars didn’t have air conditioning, so it was very hot – but I have such fabulous memories of those trips. Things have changed a lot now.

City slicker or beach bum? I am very lucky to have some of the best beaches in the world on my doorstep here in Ibiza, so when I am travelling I tend to choose a city break. I love capital cities and really like to explore and get to know places, so that if I return to that city, I will know my way around.

If I could get on a plane right now, I would fly home to see my parents in mainland Spain. I haven’t seen them for months. Being in this terrible situation where travel isn’t easy at the moment, I just want to go home and hug my parents and spend Christmas with them. Beyond that, I would love to go to Mexico City because I think it is the best place on earth. I have been many times and like to go once every year because I never get enough of the place.

Suitcase essentials? I never travel without my gym kit. I always use hotel gyms, in fact when I choose a hotel, one of the first things I look at is the gym. It is super important for me because I always spend at least an hour and a half in the gym every day. If I can’t use the gym for some reason, I’ll have my running shoes with me as well so I can go for a run instead.

My favourite hidden gem is the island of Formentera. It’s paradise on earth. There is one particular beach – Playa de Ses Illetes – which is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. It’s like being in the Bahamas but its only 30 minutes from Ibiza. I love to go there when I can, and whenever I get people visiting me I always take them, and they are always blown away.

One of my most memorable events was two or three years ago at the Ibiza Gran Hotel. We hosted a cosmetics company from the US who brought 60 top influencers from all over the world to spend four days at the hotel. The client was great, and the event was very colourful and fun, and because the attendees were influencers, they were posting non-stop on social media the whole time. So for us it was brilliant as we had all this free publicity and marketing.

My personal mantra is to never give up. It’s something I use especially in my personal life because I like extreme sports. It makes me challenge myself and keep trying. And it’s something I can bring into my professional life too with winning new business. I meet so many potential clients at forums and I never give up and always keep trying.

When I’m not working, I’m most likely to be in the gym cross fitting. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and eating out.

When the pandemic is over, I am most looking forward to hugging and greeting people the Spanish way with two kisses. We are not allowed to do that now and it feels so awkward when we bump into people in the street as we don’t know how to greet them. Our first reaction is to give them two kisses and not doing that feels really weird as it’s in our genes. I also can’t wait for inVOYAGE in Mykonos next October!