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Beau-Rivage Palace's Thierry Dal Magro

In our latest inCROWD interview, we catch up with Thierry Dal Magro on memorable event moments at the Montreux Jazz Festival, his favourite hidden gem and collaborating to create masterpieces.

Alternating work experiences in the event industry and the luxury hospitality in the US, Monaco, France and Switzerland, Thierry was Client and Event Director at the Montreux Music & Convention Centre, before he joined the legendary Beau-Rivage Palace in Lausanne, as Director of Sales of the Sandoz Foundation Hotels group.

My favourite #inVOYAGEMoment is… a beautiful farewell evening at the Pestana Palacio do Freixo by the Douro River in Porto. I remember a superb event in a spectacular venue overlooking the river, great energy among all the guests that night and a local band covering songs in Portuguese such as Tive Razao by Seu Jorge.

The thing I most love about working in events is… it may sound cliché but simply how events bring people together and create shared memories, learning, emotions that will last and collectively elevate the participants. I have also had the great fortune in my career to collaborate and partner with amazing talents from our industry whose events are pure masterpieces.

Real luxury to me… remains in the authentic experiences and the genuine, sincere hospitality of the hosts. The next step in Luxury is now how, as an individual, you can be transformed by your stay or your experience.

Earliest travel memory?
My parents took me on a road trip to what was then Yugoslavia during a summer in the middle of the 80s. Most of it was dedicated to the Dalmatian coast and its jewels like Dubrovnik. As a young boy I was impressed by the professional divers on the old bridge in Mostar!

City slicker or beach bum?
I always enjoy a beach break, but I love the energy of cities. And if they’re not far from nature even better! A bit like all our cities in Switzerland.

If I could get on a plane right now… I would fly to Japan to see my young sister who lives in Tokyo. With the pandemic, I have not seen her for more than a year. Besides I have only been once to Japan and I’m dying to go back and spend time exploring more of it.

Suitcase essentials 
On a business trip, my laptop and running shoes. On leisure trips, I always bring a good travel guide with me.

Your favourite hidden gem?
The city of Santa Fe in New Mexico, both the highest in elevation and the oldest state capital in the US. It does not feel like a US city at all, as it mostly features traditional adobe houses.

It’s also a city of art with many galleries and installations. The area features incredible natural beauties and is one of the cradles of the Native American Culture.

Most memorable event moment… as a music lover, working at the venue where the Montreux Jazz Festival took place every year offered the most memorable event moments in my career. Seeing Prince live there in 2013 was certainly one of them.

Do you have a mantra you live and work by?
I am particularly inspired by Nelson Mandela’s quote: “I never lose. I either win or learn”

When I’m not working, I’m most likely to be… skiing or mountain biking with my kids, enjoying drinks with friends, or on a motorbike road trip.

When the pandemic is over, I am most looking forward to… shaking hands and giving hugs, attending concerts and sport events, and welcoming back international events and incentive programmes to the Beau-Rivage Palace.