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Point3 Wellbeing on prioritising self-care and wellbeing during isolation

This is a new and uncertain time for us all. Where no-one really knows what to expect one day to the next, not to mention what will be happening in a week or month’s time.

And this is hard for those of us who like to be in control of everything! As ex-event professionals we are those people. We are deeply saddened to see the impact this is having on the events industry and its people and we send you all our best wishes.

Event professionals are naturally resilient people though. Used to managing extremely challenging and stressful situations. And good problem-solvers too… so this is a time to tap into these natural reserves and come out of the other end stronger than ever.

So, what can we do to help cope with this new ‘uncertain’ normal day-to-day?

Firstly, it’s about adaptation. Everyone will have a different approach and take a different amount of time to adapt, which means finding out what works best for you (and your household).

Emotions are likely to be heightened, and that’s normal and to be expected. Be mindful (and patient) of your own feelings and emotions and those of your colleagues, family and friends, as they will go up and down at different times, and in different ways.

Try and tune into how you’re feeling and to acknowledge whatever you’re feeling – whether that’s anxious or not – that’s okay.

I feel at my most content when I’m writing (now) as it feels good to be 100% focused on something, and it’s a useful distraction from all the noise that’s out there – the news alerts and WhatsApp messages that keep firing through.

The reality is there are many things that are out of our control and that’s in normal day-to-day life, but now even more so. The good news is there are also lots of things that we can control.

Secondly, and more practically speaking…it’s as important as ever to put some good habits in place to help build resilience and ensure your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing are being looked after.

Here are some of our favourites at POINT3 – they’re all simple actions, and they’re backed by science too.

If you can prioritise one or more of these into your day, you’re not only taking back some of the control, you will also feel better as a result.

  1. Expose yourself to fresh air and sunlight as soon as you can first thing. If you are able to, go for a walk, get out into the garden or open the window.

  2. Move as much as you can throughout the day. As little as 8 minutes of getting your heart rate up during the day has health benefits, and there’s lots you can do at home without equipment, and without the need for going outside. I use brushing my teeth as a trigger to do a few squats!

  3. Practice mindfulness – either through one of the many apps there are or by doing a focused task such as cooking, a jigsaw or colouring in. When you are mindful, you’re focused on the task at hand, and not worrying or anxious about what’s to come.

  4. Eat and hydrate as well as you can. This is essential for building immunity and staying mentally, as well as physically healthy. Limit those things that are known to impact energy levels and anxiety, such as caffeine, alcohol and sugar.

  5. Prioritise sleep as much as possible. Sleep is fundamental for building our immunity, and for keeping us healthy in mind and body. There are lots of things we can do to help set us up for success when it comes to sleeping. Points 1-5 all play their part in helping us to sleep well, as does having a bedtime routine that doesn’t involve screens and having a regular time to get up in the morning and go to bed.

  6. Make a plan for your day that involves lots of breaks and structured sessions. The most productive people are said to work in sub 60-minute blocks. They also factor in time to think. Think about how you’re going to relax and have fun, as well as when and how you’ll work at home.

  7. Consider how much time you allow to follow the news and social media. We will all have a different limit for what’s good for us. It’s important to remain informed but it’s also important to know when enough is enough.

  8. Stay regularly connected with the industry, colleagues, your friends and family and your local community. Support each other and help those that are more vulnerable and isolated than others.

And above all stay safe. We have lots of resources on our website to help you in areas such as sleep, nutrition, movement and mindfulness, so do check these out if you are interested.