

for luxury incentive travel and events

canada, wellbeing Guest User canada, wellbeing Guest User

Revitalize your team in Canada, where wellness is a way of life.

After two years of constant connectivity and endless Zoom meetings, many employees have felt as though they’re teetering on the edge of burnout. To help their top performers recharge, companies are increasingly looking to incentive reward experiences that nourish the body, mind and soul. From soothing forest bathing experiences to ocean-inspired spa treatments, Canada has no shortage of options to help employees revitalize, decompress and reconnect. We've rounded up four phenomenal ideas to help you deliver the experiences your employees are craving…

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canada, culture Guest User canada, culture Guest User

Immerse yourself in a kaleidoscope of cultures in Canada

Today’s employees want to connect in meaningful ways with the destinations they travel to — and this holds especially true when it comes to incentive reward trips. When visiting a destination, top performers crave real, authentic experiences that deliver a glimpse into how locals live, work and more. In Canada, there are endless ways to reward your team through its diverse cultures and unique heritage experiences. We’re shining a light on five captivating activities that will have them returning home with entirely new perspectives…

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canada, wellbeing, gastronomy Guest User canada, wellbeing, gastronomy Guest User

A taste of success in Canada

As you’ve no doubt experienced, food has the remarkable power of bringing people together. And after a long stretch of limited face-to-face interactions, there’s never been a better time to re-connect and thank your team with one-of-a-kind culinary incentive experiences. With its vast and varied landscapes, Canada has a wealth of transformative dining experiences that can’t be found anywhere else. Here, we’re shining a light on four unforgettable ways to leave a lasting mark on your team’s collective memory…

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canada Guest User canada Guest User

Go wild for the wilderness of Canada

When it comes to memorable incentive rewards, it’s often the ones that get the adrenaline pumping that truly stick with employees. These experiences push teams outside their comfort zones and let them enjoy something entirely new, that leaves a lasting impression. For some of the most legendary adventures on the planet, look no further than Canada…

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