

for luxury incentive travel and events

insights, wellbeing, trends Guest User insights, wellbeing, trends Guest User

A work-life blend: adapting to a generation of wellbeing

As part of our recently published inVOYAGE Annual Report 2020, David Gould, CEO at CR Worldwide, contributed an article on the growing focus on employee wellbeing by corporations in the UK and US markets. With the Covid-19 pandemic now having a huge impact on people’s working lives around the globe, the mental and physical wellbeing of the workforce is now more important than ever, and the trends discussed in this feature will be even more relevant once the crisis passes…

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wellbeing, trends, insights Guest User wellbeing, trends, insights Guest User

Belmond’s luxury experiences you can enjoy at home

Luxury travel might not be an option right now, but that doesn’t stop you being able to live well and experience high-end brands like Belmond from the comfort of your own home. The luxury travel company has provided a taste of its experiences for people to enjoy at home, from soothing make-at-home spa recipes and games to entertain, to uplifting cocktails and transportive music…

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wellbeing, trends, insights, europe Guest User wellbeing, trends, insights, europe Guest User

Ten incentive trends for the next decade

At the start of the new decade, the future for the incentive travel industry looked incredibly bright. Not only did our own data show that luxury event professionals were seeing increased demand for incentives, but results from the 2019 Incentive Travel Industry Index, a joint research effort from SITE (the Society for Incentive Travel Excellence), IRF (the Incentive Research Foundation) and FICP (Financial & Insurance Conference Professionals), pointed to an uptick in incentive travel spend over the next few years.

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trends Guest User trends Guest User

Incentive Research Foundation releases 2020 Trends report

A growing emphasis on the experience economy, reporting and analysis, managing risk, personalisation, and increasing demand for long haul destinations are among the key trends impacting the incentives industry this year, according to the newly released IRF (Incentive Research Foundation) 2020 Trends Report.

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europe, trends Guest User europe, trends Guest User

Top 5 incentive and event destinations for 2020 and 2021

Thanks to the combination of excellent infrastructures and rich cultural experiences, traditional European destinations maintain their status of favourite locations for incentives and events across the world, according to global DMC group Ovation. Based on the group’s recent data, here’s the top five global destinations planners will be booking over the next two years…

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